Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Who can and cannot Do while pregnant Young

Who can and cannot Do while pregnant Young

Who can and cannot Do while pregnant Young

1. Fill a vital nutrients You need

When you get pregnant young, many developments occurred and Your fetus growth. To support the growth and development of your baby, you need to meet the needs of important nutritional substances, such as folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, and fiber. We recommend that you fill Your folic acid needs of 600 micrograms, especially during the first trimester. Folic acid is needed early in the formation of the brain and the spinal cord of a fetus.
In addition, fill Your calcium requirements as much as 1200 mg. This is important for the formation of bones and teeth. Fill Your iron needs are also at least as much as the 30 mg per day so that you avoid anemia. Zinc also needs increased during pregnancy, at least 15 mg per day. And not to miss is the fiber. Fiber may prevent you from constipation that typically occur when pregnant.

2. Fill your appointment with your doctor

Pregnancy checks are routinely required You to monitor the condition of the pregnancy and the health of yourself, especially if you're not young anymore. Pregnant at the time, the risk of complications may occur, such as hypertension and diabetes gestasional. To prevent it or treat it early, you need to saw Your content to the doctor. The doctor will also recommend you to eat a variety of prenatal supplements if needed. It also aims to support the growth and development of Your fetus.

3. get more sleep time

Hormonal changes that occur while pregnant might make you harder to get sleep in enough quantities. In fact, it's actually pregnant women require more sleep than before pregnancy. At the very least, you should get a night's sleep as much as 7-9 hours. If you feel drowsiness during the day, you'd better sleep and stop your activity for a moment.

4. you shouldn't be having sex at this time

Some mothers may be afraid of having sex while pregnant, some say that sex while pregnant can cause a miscarriage. But, in point of fact You no problem having sex while pregnant pregnancy provided that you are not in trouble. Discover how how sex while pregnant is good here.

5. get enough weight gain

Yes, mothers need to raise his body while pregnant. How much weight gain that mothers need time hamiltergantung of the mother's nutritional status prior to pregnancy. Deficiency or excess weight while pregnant, both were not good and may harm Your fetus health. So, find out how many pounds of weight that you should accomplish while pregnant.
To raise the weight, you do not need to eat two servings in one meal. You just have to eat when you are hungry and remember you should always eat nutritious foods.

6. You are allowed to go on holiday at this time

Pregnancy may make you less stress, so you need a vacation at this time. Immediately shutting down your suitcase and ticket for a vacation message to calm your heart and mind. However, should your holiday ticket messages before the age of three trimester you reach content. In the third trimester, you should be at home to prepare you deliver.

That should not be done when pregnant women young

1. don't eat raw food

Yes, raw food is very dangerous for Your fetus, can cause birth defects or miscarriage. We didn't know what bacteria or germs that stick in there, so can cause infection in the fetus and also you. Food poisoning due to eating raw foods can also occur. We recommend that you make sure the food you eat is not raw, especially meat and eggs.

2. do not smoke and drink alcohol

Both of these can harm your baby. Smoking during pregnancy may cause the baby is born with low weight. Meanwhile, mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may cause the baby to undergo Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Both also can bring impact on growth and development of the baby in the next.

3. don't drink too much coffee

If you are a fan of coffee, you have to reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink per day. In small amounts, coffee might not be injurious to the health of the fetus in the womb you. However, the consumption of large quantities of coffee per day can increase the risk of your baby's health. Remember, what you consume later will flow into your baby's bloodstream through the placenta. So, notice anything you consume when pregnant young.

4. do not take medication without a doctor's recommendation of

A young gestational age is the time of pregnancy is still vulnerable to everything that goes into the body of the mother, including medicine. At this time, we recommend that you consult your doctor all kinds of medicine that you want to use. Also, note the instructions of use of the drug well before you drink it. The drugs usually would be safe once you are through the first trimester.

5. Do not drink unpasteurized milk

If you are consuming milk while pregnant, choose milk that is devoted to pregnant mothers or milk that's been through the process of warming. Never choose milk that is not pasteurized or raw milk. Unpasteurized milk may still contain a number of bacteria Listeria that can cause illness and miscarriage.

6. do not eat fish containing mercury

Deep sea fish indeed many contain omega-3 fatty acids is good for the growth of a child's brain, but they usually also contain mercury. You should be careful in choosing a fish. Limit consumption of fish (such as tuna, salmon, shrimp, and mackerel). For those of you interested in sushi, sushi consumption we recommend no more than a small portion of 1-2 per week, and remember there should not order it in a raw.